I believe what we do in the first few minutes when we wake up each morning, sets the tone for how our day will unfold.

We are creatures of habit who constantly look for a way to find our comfort zone. Many people would be happy to stay there if not compelled by circumstances to move or make adjustments.

Many of us struggle throughout our lives, reacting to daily situations that arise. Often, upon reflection, we realise that sometimes, in our haste to respond we could have handled things in a more positively and productively .

A way in which we can avoid the knee jerk reaction to daily circumstances that rob us of our peace and tranquility, is to find a way in which to center ourselves and find inner peace. This is known as our guidance system. It enables us to navigate the challenges of our daily life and helps us to remain calm when everyone around us go into panic mode.

In an attempt to change the most hectic time of my day (my mornings), I decided to try and change just small things to see if I could reach that place of peace more consistently. 

Instead of sleeping in until the alarm woke me up and snoozing it for the next thirty minutes, I decided to do 5 things mindfully and deliberately as soon as I wake up. 

This was meant only as an experiment, but after doing it for a couple weeks I began to see the benefits. One change led to another, then another and soon my mornings were unrecognizable. I had adopted new habits that I would probably not want to give up for anything. 

5 habits to optimize your morning routine:  

1. Be Grateful

As soon as I wake up and become conscious, I thank universal intelligence for giving me a brand new day in which I can create abundance in my life. I lie in bed and name each thing that I am grateful for and find that I could easily do this for at least twenty minutes each morning.  

I found the magic happening a month into this exercise when I noticed little things begin to change in my environment. Little things, like a co-worker appreciating my efforts; the person at the post shop being friendly and helpful, the beautiful sunshine, being able to sit in the park and watch offers. The reasons to be grateful increased as I began focusing on recognizing the moments when something beautiful was highlighted in my day. As my conscious awareness increased, more and more positive things began to show up in my life.  

Being grateful is an attitude that is not determined by factors outside of us. Whether things go our way or not we always have something to be grateful for. When we focus on gratitude, our mind releases its grip on the negative.

Just this tiny release has the power to open a crack in our energy field to allow for a break through and before we know it our circumstances change for the better. I believe this is the secret to a fulfilled life: to be grateful in whatever circumstances we find ourselves. 

Science has found that gratitude has the strongest link to a person’s well being than any other trait. So, even before you put your feet on the floor, lie there for a few minutes and just thank the universe for all that you have in your life. 

2. Meditate

We have so much to be grateful for.

Meditation is certainly a practice – a practice of one’s will and ones discipline. Mindful meditation has been the single, most profound contributor to my daily calm and centered state. Connecting with my higher self has enabled me to make peace with my past, to keep coming back to the present moment and to look forward to the future. 

Modern science is only now learning what yogi’s and gurus have known for many years; that a daily meditation practice can radically improve every aspect of one’s life. If you want to be more effective and increase a sense of calm and peace in your life, meditation is a must. 

You can check out my post on the 5 phases of an effective daily meditation practice here.

3. Exercise:

Any form of exercise is good to get the body going in the mornings. Whether you enjoy a morning jog or a yoga practice, Qi Gong, or slow strength training, you are sure to feel more awake and alert when you have stretched and exercised your muscles. You would be surprised to find that even though you have worked out, you feel more energized and ready to start your day.

The benefits of doing simple but effective exercise helps improve longevity, health and well being. It is one of the best things we can do to feel good, look great and live longer.

4. Fuel up

Start your day with a nutritious breakfast that fuels your body to perform at optimum levels. When you exercise your body needs protein. Adding some super foods like spirulina, blueberries and bananas to your choice of breakfast can ensure you consume as many nutrients your body needs. 

The body is designed to take its nutrients from a wide variety of sources and if we create variety in our diet by eating a range of different nutrient rich foods our diet will never get boring. 

You will definitely find that it improves cognitive functioning and it would be easier to maintain your ideal weight and increase your metabolism. 

5. Invest time in your own learning

I added this element to my morning routine as a result of moving closer to my work and needing less time to commute.

Spend between 15 to 30 minutes each morning on intense focused learning before you start work. Investing this time in your personal growth, whether reading a book, learning a new skill or listening to a podcast can enrich you in many ways. I make a point to set this time aside to expand my knowledge.

If you feel that your morning routine leaves you exhausted and stressed out even before you work day has started, then perhaps your morning routine needs an overhaul. Try these 5 habits, it will help you find the health, energy and focus to transform your life.