No matter who we are or where we live, we have all been conditioned to think and act in ways that have become intrinsic to our character. In order to access our highest and fullest potential, we need to overcome this conditioning. Unfortunately, our ego’s will not allow us to simply discard the old behaviour patterns and beliefs that have been the driving force for most of our lives to be suddenly replaced by a zen-like life. 

However, understanding and recognising that conditioned beliefs and subconscious programming govern our thoughts and actions can hold profound and uplifting transformational value for our future. 

If we rely on our ego to help us shift the beliefs and programming that have held us stuck in a familiar and destructive cycle, it will merely reinforce it’s hold on us. We must find a way to liberate our conscious mind from the limitations set by society, our parents and teachers. 

The Ego perpetuates Separation

The ego operates from the premise of separateness – that means it makes us believe that we are somehow separate or different from all other people. That is why some of us feel the need to compete with others by working harder, by doing more, by achieving the highest position in our corporation. 

Our Divine Nature promotes Oneness

Our higher self, our connection to universal intelligence have no desire or need to compete with another. It knows that we are part of the whole. It understands that when another wins, we all win and if one loses, we all lose. 

Four conditioned beliefs that keep us stuck

  1. Manifestation depends on orchestrated luck by cosmic forces.
  2. We will fail if we try 
  3. Only people with very high spiritual insight can manifest

Let’s look at this for a moment.

Manifestation depends on orchestrated luck by cosmic forces. 

For many people the belief in luck or cosmic benevolence is more acceptable than the idea that they are responsible for their own lives. This defeatist mindset keeps people stuck in old behaviour patterns and prevents them from living their full potential. 

Our thoughts determine our future and we often fail to manifest what we want because we continue to buy into the belief that outside forces are responsible for the way our lives unfold. 

If we understand that ‘as a man thinks, so is he’ we are able to take responsibility and guard our thoughts and thereby transform our lives. The Bible says in Luke 10:19: “I have given you power and authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.”  This power is within all of us in completeness. We are the only ones who can relinquish that power. We do that by playing small and allowing others to make decisions and choices on our behalf.

I will fail if I try, I always fail.

We have all tried something at some stage in our lives that have failed. This is part of the human experience. It is through trial and error that we learn our most valuable lessons in life. 

Imagine as an infant we tried to get up and walk, but then fell down and so decided walking was too hard and gave up and stuck to crawling on the ground. We wouldn’t have the freedom of movement that we enjoy today. 

The belief that we will fail even before trying prevents us from living our highest potential. At times we all are required to make adjustments to achieve our goals and this should be seen as a necessary skill to live a successful life rather than an obstacle. Believing that failure is imminent before we even attempt something withholds us from learning and improving and ultimately manifesting our true potential.  

A way in which we can overcome this is by letting go of our obsession with the past when things didn’t work out the way we had hoped. We can allow for a renewal of our minds. The past is a memory and our future is secure in God. We have the present moment and in this moment we have the potential to succeed.

Only people with very high spiritual insight can manifest

This belief stems from the ego’s view of being separate from the whole. Let this notion go! 

Know that the power of the universe resides in us, that we are the universe and the only difference between us and the person we perceive to have high spiritual insight is the understanding of the connection we have with universal intelligence. 

Once we make the connection for ourselves, we will be able to receive insights from the higher realms as well.  

We have all been exposed to programming that conditioned us to believe certain things about ourselves and at times our ability to manifest our deepest desires have suffered because of these long standing beliefs. Unfortunately, they have restricted and stunted our ability to do the things that were for our highest good.

We all have an opportunity to identify the conditioned beliefs and allow them to fall away like a tree that sheds its leaves in autumn. We can nurture new beliefs, rooted in faith that God has intentioned us to thrive. The way in which we do this is by guarding our thoughts and allowing the most uplifting and life enhancing ones to occupy our minds. These thoughts will sprout and grow into glorious experiences and we will find that our lives have been transformed. 

My desire is that your thoughts would be so uplifting that soon you’d find yourself in joyous union with the life God intended for you.  

Love and blessings.