Knowing what makes us happy is one of the most under developed skills in our modern day. More and more people subscribe to society’s ideals of what true happiness is and conform and often disregard their own standards and values.
Happiness comes in a myriad of forms, so much so that it can be difficult to pinpoint. This is unfortunately not the case for unhappiness as one can almost immediately tell when one is in a state of unhappiness. 

Contrary to popular belief quite often people are not actually seeking their own happiness at all. Studies have shown that even people who earn millions of dollars each year are only incrementally happier than those who work to get by. They have also found that genetics and life expectancy only contributes to less than 50% of a person’s happiness. The rest is up to the individual to decide.

When it comes to finding our happiness, we first need to understand what it is that makes us happy. This can be very different for everyone. 

Many people believe they’d be happier when:

  • They are thinner
  • They are fitter
  • They live in a beautiful home in just the right location
  • They have met their romantic partner

It is true that these things can add joy to one’s life, but if we build our happiness on things that are changeable, we run the risk of becoming very unhappy when change sets in. 

Instead of waiting for specific things to happen to us so we can be happy, could happiness bloom from within us instead?

When we list all the things that make us happy, (can you make a list right now?) chances are some of the things that made us happy in the past don’t have the same appeal today. Why is that? Well, it’s because our environment, our needs, the people in our lives and we ourselves constantly change. Does it mean when our lives go through changes we will experience unhappiness? Quite possibly.

If we place the basis for our happiness on that which is outside of us, we are always at risk of losing it. 

How do we create lasting happiness?

We start by understanding that happiness is not something we own, it is a choice! When we choose to be happy above all, we approach life with a different state of mind or attitude. We realise that happiness is not a result of something, but it is the root from where all of our interactions with life blooms from. 

Choose happiness above all

Choose to be happy no matter the circumstances you find yourself in. Happiness is not the absence of sadness or struggle. It is knowing that in all life’s challenges, we are held by a benevolent source of divine energy.  

Do not fret over things we can’t control

There are many horrifying events happening around the world. We are bombarded with it when we watch the news. At times we are able to give support and so we should, but there are times when we are helpless in the face of what is unfolding and no matter how much we wish there was something we could do to improve the situation, we have to trust that life will bring healing and restoration.

Happy people are informed people, but they do not allow themselves to fret over things outside of their control. Instead they take action and spread positive energy in their own immediate environment knowing that we are all connected. When we keep our own vibration high, we contribute to raising the vibration of all creation. Happy people know they can put their best efforts towards those things they do have control over. 

Hold on to our integrity

Violating our personal value system creates discord within ourselves. Feelings of discontent, regret, guilt and shame hold negative charge and affect our physical body through our emotions. We are encouraged to stand confidently and speak our truth when we feel pressured to compromise. We can never be happy when we violate ourselves. 

Take care of our body

As a result of modern technology, people are increasingly struggling to find time to rest properly. Increased screen time and lack of sleep are becoming the main causes of people feeling overwhelmed and becoming sick in the physical bodies. 

A good night’s sleep goes a long way to maintain focus and a pleasant mood. The benefits of deep brain cleansing sleep is tantamount the best medicine for any ailment or

mood. It ensures that we wake up alert and clear headed with energy abounding. Sleep deprivation robs us of our energy and reduces our ability to concentrate and bounce back when faced with challenges. Physical exercise is another important ingredient that boosts our immune system and feelings of happiness and contentment. 

Cultivate a growth mindset

It is widely believed that people’s attitudes to life fall into one of two categories: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. People with a fixed mindset often believe they are who they are and they’re unable to change. This causes problems when they come up against challenges that require them to adapt. They feel hopeless and overwhelmed easily when they are tested beyond what they perceive they can handle. 

Those with a growth mindset on the other hand believe that they can make changes, improve their skills and increase their productivity if they make adjustments. This leads to increased opportunities for happiness as they are better equipped and also more resilient when faced with difficulties in their life. 


Create a living and a work space that is calm, soothing and uplifting. This is achievable by doing away with unwanted, unused and broken furniture. This is stuff that takes up space and hinders positive energy flow. Decluttering can be therapeutic for our mental well being as it enables us to do away with those things that we associate with a hurtful past. After such purging we could be pleasantly surprised by the benefits of owning less.

Trust life

No matter what age we are or what we have experienced in our life, we can believe that there are still beautiful and happy experiences awaiting us. Having a positive attitude and an optimistic outlook on the future can do wonders for our mental state and increase your sense of self- efficacy. 

When we complain about our lot and what we don’t have, we hinder ourselves from seeing the blessings we have in our life and we withhold ourselves from positive and fulfilling experiences. When we trust that life supports us, we are able to release the fear and allow life to flow through us. 

Happiness flows from within

These strategies have the potential to change our state of mind and ultimately help us to live happily. Not sometimes, but every single day!

How about you, do you know what makes you happy? What can you do today that could improve your happiness quota? 

Leave a comment below, I would love to hear from you.