Lately, I have been thinking about this concept of home.

I ask: What is home?

How much distance is there between where I am and home?

As a child growing up in the church, I have always understood home to have 2 meanings. 

My earthly home with my parents and siblings and my heavenly home that I will go to when I die. 

As an adult I now have had several different homes in different locations and one was as transient as the other. However, I know my real home is not from here. It is the place my soul originates from. 

I believe Rumi is referring to that home, the place or origin of his being when he says : 

whatever brought me here must take me home.”

For many, our earthly home is synonymous to a loving family, warm meals around the table, laughter, singing together and sharing a welcoming space that feels safe and secure. A place to run to when life gets hard.  

Others may have experienced home to be very different; a place of criticism, constant judgement and even a place where physical pain was inflicted regularly. A place to run from.

Rumi says: “Whatever brought me here must take me home.”

Home means so many different things to different people, and in spite of our personal experiences of what home represents for us, we all have a comprehension of what a true home should be like. I wonder where this concept of home came from. Did we read it in books? The dictionary perhaps, or was it what people told us? 

I believe our understanding of true home does not come from outside of us, but from the all knowing place where we remember the origin of our soul. Our hearts, It sends out the bell toll whenever we experience something that reminds us of our true home.  Like taking in a breathtaking sunset, hearing the happy laughter of children, listening to beautiful, uplifting music, or just appreciating quiet peaceful moments. Those times when we feel complete, when we cannot put into words what we are experiencing.

I believe when we seek out these precious moments and are present within them, we connect with the divine, God, The Universe, Source. Even though those around us may be unaware, yet the experience is no less heavenly. We have transcended. We are home!

When was the last time we have experienced this and have actually taken notice?  I bet we can all think of a time when we felt breathless with ecstasy or excitement that we could not put into words. Those times came to us to remind us that we are connected to our true home, we just don’t realize it.  

For many people, true home represents God, The Universe, Source. It is also a place where they will be with Jesus. In Col1:27 the Word says: God wanted to make known among the Gentiles the glorious wealth of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. 

In John 14:23 the Words says: Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word. Then my Father will love him, and we will go to him and make our home within him.

To make an analogy. When we eat an apple, that apple gets broken down to be absorbed into our bodies as nutrients to sustain us. We could say that the apple literally becomes a human as we would be unable to separate it from our bodies once it has been absorbed.

Jesus and The Father live within us. We are ONE! That is, if God is absorbed in me and I in Him, we are ONE. 

I believe when we experience those blissful moments in our everyday lives, we are actually connecting with God and Christ who live in us. We connect with the Divine who has “made our home within him.”

For that reason, I believe we no longer have to wait until we die to be at home with God. He lives in us! If we are waiting to go to our home, which is Christ, then scripture tells us we are already home. “Christ in you the hope of glory.” We can experience all the joys of home everywhere and whenever we want to. 

When we take a moment to test this, we’ll find that our true home is without distance and inseparable from us. 

God is our true home.

His home is IN us. 

His home IS us. 

So the next time we experience our bliss, those moments that take our breath away and inspire us. 

We are home! 

Love and blessings